I will have to do lots of learning to teach Grade 3 but I am confident that I can do most of it from the comfort of my patio this summer. Now that I'm wireless and life is good.
Other then that I seem to have many different projects for the house on the go. This week I finally installed some storage in my office so that my multitudes of books are not a clutter any more. This picture seems to be shadowy but you get the drift. It's a floating Lack shelf from IKEA.
I'm working on a couple of my 101 right now. Specifically...
60. Quit biting my nails for 4 months- this is a hard one. I've tried breaking this habit many times since I started in my childhood. My mom tried many different tricks but none of them worked. I would always stick with it long enough to get my "prize" and then go right back.
56. Lose 10 pounds and keep it off for 6 months- so far I've lost two pounds. Not much but it's a start.
Also I'm only one book away from reading 10 non-teaching books and we are tilling the garden tomorrow so I should be able to start my garden on Saturday.
Have a delightful day!