Sunday, June 8, 2008

Trying an Experiment

Unfortunately I cannot see it being fun. I think that I may... have Celiac's (I'll bet some of you thought I was going to confess to a pregnancy). I've been having some stomach issues as of the last five weeks. I've been feeling very uncomfortable, bloated, nauseous, mixed with a couple other things primarily after I eat. It has really affected my training for the marathon and I was thinking I had some sort of deficiency but when I told a friend the other day, who has Celiac's, she said it sounded like that. SAY IT AIN'T SO. Celiac's is a disease in which part of your intestine is damaged and therefore cannot absorb gluten in wheat and makes it into a toxin which causes these symptoms. Friday when my friend told me this might be the case for me, I wasn't ready to think it could be that. But yesterday after a big roll kuchen (mennonite fried bread) lunch at my parents I was more uncomfortable then ever.

So today I started my experiment. I'm going to try to go wheat-free for a week and see if some of my symptoms disappear. So far I'm on day one and I feel a lot better then I have all week. I really hope it's something else (and not something worse) because I would be very sad to miss out on so many wonderful foods like bread and baked stuff. I know that you can make these things with modified recipes but I will have to change the way I eat. I know this week we'll be having lots of meat, rice, potatoes, salads. And like so many other things in life right now... we'll just have to see what happens.



PamJ said...

sorry to hear that girl :(
I hope you find out what works for you soon! Good luck on your trial week.

Andrea said...

If you're noticing an improvement after just 1 day...just think how you'll feel by the end of the week!!