Friday, February 27, 2009

Who's on the Phone?

I'm thinking of calling it quits on this blog. While it has been a somewhat useful form of communication I'm really not seeing it's point as of late.

I do like the fact that I have "somewhere" to track my 101.

Maybe it's because I do not know who is reading my blog, or how often. I had my ticker which I deleted by accident...

I think I'm having the same problem with my blog as I'm having with my life.


Lynne said...

honey!! I wish I could help!! it is through this blog that we started becoming closer friends...

tammi said...

When you say you think you're having the same problem with your life as with your blog, I hope you're not saying you're not really seeing its point! (I suspect that's not quite what you mean, but still...)

While I hate to blame all these things on the weather, I think this winter really seems to be getting the best of all of us. So many people (myself included) seem to feel stuck, listless, and purposeless these days. This season will pass ~ literally and figuratively. I'm hoping for SOONER on both counts!!

I think your blog issues really all depend on why you have a blog. If it was simply a method of communicating with friends and family, you probably find Facebook much more effective and efficient. A lot of people have switched away from blogging in favour of FB and/or Twitter for exactly that reason. It makes sense.

But I think it also makes sense to keep a blog for personal reasons. I have several private ones for the specific purpose of tracking my own progress in one area or another. I find it handier than having a bunch of notebooks kicking around the house and I find it beneficial to look back and see where I've come from or how my attitudes have changed over time.

Okay, so now that I've written you a BOOK somewhat related to the subject, but not really saying anything helpful at all, I'll quit!

You're a smart, organized, strong woman. I think it won't take you long to figure out exactly why you do or don't need a blog.

Andrea said...

Figure out WHY you started this blog, and what you hope to gain from it. If it's not working for you, then quit (but don't delete it permanently, you might regret that). But if you still feel use for it, then keep on going regardless of how many people visit or comment.

I stopped tracking my visitors a long time ago when I got to the point that I was blogging for ME primarily and that it really didn't matter how many comments I got or whatever.

I blog when I want to blog, and about what I want to blog. People can visit or not, or comment or not, and it doesn't matter to me.

So figure out for yourself what you want from it and go from there...

(make any sense?)

PamJ said...

I read, every time you update, since you are on my sidebar! And enjoy reading... that's all I have to say for now!

Pamela said...

I am a delinquent commenter but still enjoy reading what you write. I assume people read more than they comment. Sometimes I think no one is reading what I have to say and then I will have a conversation or a random email about something I posted. My blog is for me to journal about the stuff I don't want to forget and if people happen to drop by and read my ramblings and feel the need to comment...well then that's just gravy.