Monday, October 13, 2008


I have so many things to be thankful for today so I'm going to make a list. (Thanks for the inspiration Dayna)

- God, whose love endures forever
- My wonderful husband- who has a plan and a vision for our life
- my family biological and in-laws
- Great friends who love me even when I screw up
- Family which fits into the friend category too
- Karyn and Monique (and 23 great years with Renee)
- A job which I love most moments (and a carpool to get there)
- A roof (even though there's neighbours up there) over my head
- a warm bed
- Steve's new job
- food... mmm cheese, cheesecake, bread, cupcakes, and so many wonderful things
- Reading
- My shoes
- shopping online
- Dreaming
- Digital Cameras
- Dutch Blitz, Killer Bunnies, Scotland Yard and the good times around these games
- Having people over
- Hugs (man this should be higher up on the list)
- Birthdays
- Christmas lists
- Wine
- The freedom to try and be who I want to be
- Celebrating
- Life

For all these things and so many more I am very thankful. Yes life may be stressful some times but maybe I should just remember in those times "I'm to blessed to be stressed".

Happy Thanksgiving.


Andrea said...

I have THREE more booster packs for Killer Bunnies since the last time you played at my place...we should play again soon!

Krista Nicole said...

ooh my goodness Andrea- when can I come over???